Page 20 - Broschuere_Metallfarblicht_engl
P. 20

-      Every   introduction  of   our
                                                         coloured glass panels for therapeutic use
                                                         is done through seminars at the respective
                                                         institutions. The point of the seminars is
                                                         to show the relation between the qualities
                                                         of the metals as substances through to
                                                         their  use  as  coloured  light,  and  includes
                                                         the entire process: from the reaction
                                                         of the metals during the production of
                                                         glass, their transformation into an artistic
                                                         expression, their effect - through personal
                                                         experience, to indications for therapeutic
                                                         use and actual case histories.

                 Personally experiencing the effect of the glass     We organize introductions in the
                                                         use of metal glass light therapy together
                                                         with doctors and therapists of these
                                                         institutions. When possible, an experience
                                                         of the effect of the metals as musical tones
                                                         is part of the seminar.

                 The music therapist Susanne Reinhold playing tones on copper and iron metal
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