Page 24 - Broschuere_Metallfarblicht_engl
P. 24

-      In the autumn of 2009 and again
                                                         in 2010, we were invited to take part in
                                                         conferences at the Vidar-Klinik in Järna,
                                                         Sweden. The new therapy met with great
                                                         interest. Using small glass panels and
                                                         observation exercises, a small group of
                                                         therapists and a medical doctor intensively
                                                         studied their effect.

                 Seminar invitation, Vidar-Klinik, Sweden  Seminar at the Vidar-Klinik, Sweden

                                                         -      The northernmost location where
                                                         we have presented the metal colour
                                                         light therapy has been Finland. At two
                                                         conferences in Tampere we awoke an
                                                         interest in the new therapy, and two
                                                         art therapists there decided to join our
                                                         training in metal colour light therapy.

                 Conferences in Tampere, Finland
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