Page 28 - Broschuere_Metallfarblicht_engl
P. 28

Therapeutikum Raphaelhaus e.V.,

                 Since 2008, the Therapeutikum Raphael-
                 haus e.V. has been using four of our
                 coloured glass panels as part of its
                 music therapy for people with severe
                 multiple handicaps. Christiane Hanke,
                 music therapist at Raphaelhaus, created
                 short melodies for each of the coloured
                 panels. The melodies, played just before
                 and at the end of each therapy session
                 with the panels, enhance the effect of
                 the glass panels. They also give a unified
                 experience of sound and coloured light.
                 Dr. Christoph Michels, Stuttgart, prescribes
                 and accompanies the therapy medically.

                 Dr. Christoph Michels treats severely multiple   A therapy session with accompaning lyre, played by
                 handicapped individuals at Raphaelhaus  music therapist Christiane Hanke
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