Page 31 - Broschuere_Metallfarblicht_engl
P. 31

–      “I like to use the green glass         The yellow and green glasses are
                       with the plant motif around Easter.  like living with works of art for the children
                       The anticipation of spring, a hopeful  and me. I believe the children are given a
                       anticipation, and unfolding in the D-major  deep  impression  of  what  it  means  for  a
                       mood is stimulated - an appropriate  person to be in a surrounding enlivened by
                       general measure for the general tiredness  ‘art’.”
                       that you find before the spring holidays.
                       In some therapy sessions I use the panels
                       to achieve specific therapeutic goals -
                       the blue glass, for example, to stimulate
                       breathing out and peace by enveloping
                       the children in a calming blue ‘mantle’.
                       Children that have gone through that with
                       me sometimes come back of their own
                       volition to rest a moment in the blue light-

                              The red glass stimulates a waking
                       of one‘s own will. I use it with young
                       people when their own initiative appears
                       lamed during crises in their teenage years.
                       Red has a very strong effect  on blood
                                                              Playing the psaltery in as peaceful a rhythm as the
                                                              structures in the glass “move”
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