Its Use

metallfarblichttherapie anwendungTherapy session, accompanied by a lyre, Therapeuticum Raphaelhaus, Stuttgart, manganese-violet panel Metal colour light therapy is a form of anthroposophical art therapy. It can be used both therapeutically and for maintaining health, and is appropriate for both children and adults in developmental and life crises, who are handicapped, traumatized, elderly, or dying. Metal colour light therapy is always done in cooperation with a medical doctor.

Metal colour light therapy sessions - experiencing coloured light through etched glass - take place in a peaceful, darkened room, so that the only daylight in the room is what passes through the (approximately 1 meter high x 65 centimeter wide) metal colour light panels. At the beginning of each session, prior to viewing the panel, the patient and therapist hold a preparatory discussion. The viewing time is usually 5-12 minutes, depending on the patient's state and which panel is being used. During this time the patient is usually silent, this allows them to enter into a dialogue with the glass. When the viewing is finished, the therapist covers the glass panel and leaves the room. The patient then has a 20 minute rest period, during which the therapeutic action of the glass panel can continue to work. According to the situation, experiences made during the therapy session may be spoken about immediately afterwards or at the beginning of the next session.

The number of sessions a patient is given depends upon their medical condition, and when the panels are switched depends upon their progress. In metal colour light therapy with children, young adults and severely handicapped children, one colour panel is usually viewed more often than with adults - the factor of time is different for them.

Metal colour light therapy is practiced at various clinics and institutions in Germany, Switzerland, England, in the Netherlands, in Sweden and the United States:

In the Filderklinik, Filderstadt-Bonlanden, Germany, metal colour light therapy has been practiced since 2003 with patients with cancer, illnesses of the inner organs, burnout, anxiety, depression and in treating children. Holger Schimanke, singing therapist at the clinic, begins sessions by playing the planetary tones. At Blackthorn Medical Centre in Maidstone, England, a medical practice with 5 doctors that treats many patients with chronic disease. Here the emphasis is on the treatment of chronic pain and trauma (for example former soldiers). The Therapeuticum Raphaelhaus in Stuttgart, Germany, is an institute for severely, multi-handicapped individuals. Christiane Hanke, music therapist there, combines metal colour light therapy with music. She plays a different melody for each of the colour panels at the beginning and end of the session. The music intensifies the panel's effect. Also in the Lebensgemeinschaft Bingenheim children, adolescents and adults with special needs are offered metal colour light therapy. The Art therapist Beate Hodapp can according to need combine the colour treatment with art therapy. The Foereningen foer Metallfaergljusterapi (association for metal colour light therapy) which was founded to help establish metal colour light therapy in Sweden, supports, researches, and organizes courses to help people become acquainted with metal colour light therapy. Studies with test persons are also carried out there.

In the USA there are three private art therapy practices (in Maine, Colorado and Missouri) working with metal colour light therapy. Metal Colour Light therapy is also offered at Lichtblick in Schwörstadt, Germany and at Grace Garden and Rowan Tree Centre for Health in Bristol, Sunfield in Stourbridge England. There are also private practises offering glass therapy in Darmstadt, Freiburg and Frickingen, Germany and in Den Haag in the Netherlands, in Lengnau Switzerland and Tampere in Finland. After the closing of the Vidarklinik in Järna, Sweden, two therapists offer metal colour light therapy privately in the rooms of the clinic.